Devon and Cornwall Care Record (DCCR)

New shared record system for Devon and Cornwall
Health and social care services in Devon and Cornwall have developed a system to share patient data efficiently and quickly and ultimatley, improve the care you receive.
This system is called Devon and Cornwall Care Record.
The Devon and Cornwall Care Record is a secure computer system that brings together information about your health and care and presents it as a single record.
Previously, it was difficult to share information about your health and care between
different areas of the system.
Now, healthcare staff can see the details held by GP practices, hospitals and other health and care organisations across Devon, Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly.
Having a more complete view of your medical history helps healthcare professionals identify problems more effectively and make quicker diagnoses. For instance, they can see which allergies you suffer from, and any treatment and medication you have received.
As well as making treatment safer, the care you receive will be more co-ordinated, giving you a smoother journey through the health system.
It also saves staff the time it takes to find information and spares you the frustration of having to answer the same questions or undergo duplicate or unnecessary tests.
How do we keep your data safe?
Keeping your personal data safe is a key aspect of the Devon and Cornwall Care Record and we take every required measure to keep information secure and confidential.
Shared care records are subject to UK data protection legislation. They can only be viewed by people involved in your care, and they work under strict codes of conduct.
However, if you would prefer that your information is not shared in this way, you can tell us by filling out the objection form on the Devon and Cornwall Care Record website.
Where can you find out more?
For further detail, visit the Devon and Cornwall Care Record website at Home - Devon and Cornwall Care Record