Making an Appointment
To make an appointment dial 01736 363741 or 788306 between 8:15am and 6pm Monday to Friday to speak to our reception team. They are trained in Active Signposting. They will help you with your question, either by direct action or booking you with the most appropriate member of our team.
The receptionists are asked to collect brief information from patients to help ensure patients receive the appropriate level of care and direct patients to see a nurse or other health professionals rather than a doctor where appropriate.
Approximately 70% of our appointments are available for patients to be seen or contacted on the day. If we have no appointments due to a very high demand but you consider that your medical problem MUST be assessed that day, you may be contacted by the duty doctor who will assess if it is urgent for today.

Requesting an Urgent Appointment
If you are needing to request an urgent appointment please dial 01736 363741 or 01736 788306 you will speak to a receptionist where you must inform them that you are requesting an urgent appointment. The receptionist will then follow with a some questions and direct you to the appropriate clinician or be directed to our on-call Duty Doctor who will contact you on the same day to discuss your health issue.
GP Appointment
To book an appointment please dial 01736 363741 or 01736 788306.
If you would like to speak to a doctor, please call the surgery at 08:15am in the morning you are available to speak with a doctor. The reception team will discuss your request and if appropriate will book you with a GP for the same day, subject to available appointments.
Alternatively we are able to pre book a small amount of appointments with a GP, please contact the surgery to pre book an appointment.
If work commitments prevent you from receiving a call, please inform our reception team when you are able to receive a call.
Your GP will call you and discuss your health issue. Currently most queries are completed with a telephone call or as a face-to-face appointment. We may ask you to send a photo for the clinican to review before your appointment.
If a clincian is needing to see you in the surgery for an examination after a telephone consultation, the GP will book you in with themself or another member of the team. It is likely this will be the same day.
You can request to be seen at St Clare Medical Centre, Cape Cornwall Surgery or Newlyn Surgery subject to available appointments.
Making a Routine Appointment
If you would like to make a routine appointment with a Nurse or a Healthcare Assistant we are able to pre book these appointments in advance. We can also pre book a small amount of routine appointments with a GP or a Clinician up to two weeks in advance. Alternatively, you can contact the surgery at 08:15am in the morning and book an appointment on the same day as a telephone call or face-to-face appointment subject to availability.
Advanced Nurse Practitioner and Acute Illness Nurse Appointments
You may request or be offered an appointment with our Advanced Nurse Practitioner or Acute Illness Nurse. These practitioners are highly trained nurses who have worked for many years delivering this service. They can assess, diagnose, investigate and prescribe for your health issue.
Appointments with Trainee Doctors
Trainee doctors have regular appointments under the supervision of one of our qualified clinicians. If you are asked to see one of our trainees, rest assured you will receive the same care and attention as you would from your own GP.
Nurse or HCA Appointments
The reception team will ensure that you are booked with the right nurse. These appointments will be given a time slot and are available to book in advance. If these appointments are booked in advance and you are needing to rearrange or cancel your appointment please contact the surgery to re-arrange your appointment.
Enhanced Access
Extended hours clinics will be taking place every Thursday evening 18:30 - 20:00 and on a Saturday morning once a month 08:30 - 12:30
Home Visits
Whilst we encourage our patients to come to the surgery, where we have the proper equipment and facilities available, we do appreciate this is not always possible. In this respect, if you do need a home visit, you can help us by calling reception before 11:00.
You can only request a home visit if you are housebound or are too unwell to visit the practice. Our Paramedic will only visit you at home if they think that your medical condition requires this and will also decide with your GP how urgently a visit is needed. Please bear this in mind and if you can provide the suitable details to enable a member of our team to schedule a visit or telephone call.
You can also be visited at home by a community nurse if you are referred by your GP. You should also be visited at home by a health visitor if you have recently had a baby or if you are newly registered with a GP and have a child under five years.
Cancel an Appointment
It is important that you inform the surgery if you are unable to attend your appointment, this will allow that appointment to be offered to another patient. Please contact the surgery and dial 01736 363741 or 01736 788306.
An alternative way to cancel an appointment rather than phoning directly to the surgery is if you are registered with patient access you can cancel your appointment via this link.
Policy for Late Arrivals for Appointments
Patients have a duty to attend for pre-booked appointments with all clinicians promptly, and to take into account logistical difficulties or the time involved in travelling to the surgery.
The practice will, as far as practicable, see patients who arrive late, however this may be at the end of surgery and will therefore involve a considerable wait for those who do not wish to re-book.
The following general provisions will apply:
Less than 5 minutes late
The patient will be marked as an arrival in their pre-booked “slot” and a note will be added under the appointment to say they arrived xxxx mins late. The doctor or nurse will call them in at the first available opportunity. The patient should be advised of this and that there may be some delay while they are fitted in.
More than 5 minutes, less than 10 minutes late
The patient will be advised that as they are a late arrival the Receptionist will have to ask the GP/Nurse if they are able to see them, and they may have a considerable delay (depending on the time). They may be seen if the clinician has an unexpected gap, in which case they will be called in. The patient should be encouraged to re-book.
More than 10 minutes late
The patient has clearly missed the appointment, and will be asked to rebook. Where there is an indication of clinical urgency they may need to be added to the end of the clinic with the Nurse/GP.